Monday, August 22, 2016

Strange German Sayings

In order for you guys to have a greater feel for a German environment, here's a list of German sayings that I've heard throughout my life either from family or when I was in Germany. I'll add more weird sayings later on.

·         Ich glaub’ mein Schwein pfeifft. (I think my pig whistles.)  - This is said when someone is angry and in disbelief over something.

·         Lacht wie ein Gummihex. (Laughs like a rubber witch.) Said when someone laughs in a way that sounds manic or crazy.

·         Babbelt wie ein Buch. (Babbles like a book.) Said when someone is being overly chatty and doesn’t stop talking.

·         Kuckt mir an wie ein Auto. (He looks at me like a car.) The look someone gets when someone tells them something they don’t understand.

·         Die Daumen drucken. (To press the thumbs.) Similar to crossing your fingers for good luck. In Germany, crossing your fingers is considered bad luck.

·         Sie sitzt in eine Ecke und mackt Duda. (She sits in a corner and hand-weaves baskets.) My mom says this every time she’s in the same room with a person and that person refers to her as she instead of directly referring to her. 

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