Thursday, July 21, 2016

Food!!!/Das Essen

Hey everyone!
      My last post was about my flight to Europe, but I didn't tell you where I was going! I'm currently in GERMANY [!!!] living with my grandparent. While I'm visiting family, I'm also eating as much as I can.
      One of the best things about Germany, in my humble yet correct opinion, is the food. I love food. A lot. A "I'd rather get gift cards to restaurants than a Michael Kors watch" type of love. And everything in these country tastes like it's been handcrafted with love and affordability in mind.
      Since living with my grandparent, I've actually been eating three square meals a day, instead of TV dinners galore [being an adult is hard guys]. Every day I get breakfast (usually a brotchen/bread roll with homemade raspberry jam), lunch (something with meat, veggies, and starch), and dinner (bread with cheese or sandwich meat.) My favorite, favorite, favorite dish is SCHNITZEL!!! It's a pork loin that is beaten flat, covered in bread crumbs, and fried in a pan on both sides. It's then served with fried potatoes or french fries/Pommes. The schnitzel comes in various varieties and can be served with lemon juice, onions, mushrooms, or even goat cheese with olives.
       Germans are also classy and enjoy their coffee. Usually every day in the late afternoon, coffee is served with a slice of cake. Can't lie, not crazy about this tradition. There's only so much cake I can eat, and it's not great drinking super hot coffee when it's boiling hot and you're sitting inside without air conditioning. But that's the price to pay when you're in this country. I guess there are worse things, like politics 2016.
       I've also been quite good and been munching on fruit and veggies. This is quite a change, since for the past four years I probably could count on both hands how many salads I've had [just kidding, that would be so bad, right? heh. heh. heh....moving on]. In Germany, where everything is so freaking close together, people can get in the car and arrive five minutes later at a farmer's field and buy fresh produce. Most of the food is surprisingly affordable (today we bought a pound of raspberries, pound blueberries, pound apricots, a head of lettuce, and pound of tomatoes for about ten Euros) and tastes delicious. My body can't believe it's getting so many fresh vitamins. And, it's one of the few times where I've had fresh produce that actually has flavor  and doesn't just taste like blandly-tasted water.
       Now I've got to go for a run to get rid of these extra pounds. Hahahahahahaha. Jk, off to watch Gogglebox! :-)
Breakfast/Das Fruhstuck
Lunch/Das Mittagsessen
[Chicken Curry with Rice and Broccoli]
Das Mittagsessen
[Lunch can be something sweet.]
[Der Pfannkuchen]
SCHNITZEL!!! with onions and Bratkartoffeln

Coffee/Der Kaffee
[I had this plum cheesecake on a 3-hour river boat ride. There were a surprising number of elderly people. Fun times.]
Yummy, Yummy, Fresh

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