Thursday, September 1, 2016


Hey guys. So far my posts have been pretty light-hearted and general as I shared with you a small glimpse into German life from a German-American perspective. But I wanted to have a more serious talk about the reality of adjusting to a new place.

It's scary being in a country I didn't grow up in. Even if I think I know some of the culture and have a pretty good grasp on the language, that's not enough to prepare me for living in a new world. I have to adapt in ways I really didn't think of, like getting used to shopping in a new supermarket or remembering that people won’t always smile to you on the street. I’ve had to get used to a new climate and being looked at strangely when I don’t know where the checkout line is in a store. I don’t completely know all of the social rules yet so usually end up standing mute at a social function, and then people back home ask me if I’ve made any friends.
One of the worst things is being homesick. Not necessarily for things like 24-hour open stores or complementary iced water at restaurants, but for the people I left. I knew I would miss my family and friends a lot, but I wasn’t ready to accept how much. It’s hard when I hear about things they are doing and knowing I’m not going to see them for a while. I was ready to move out of my parent’s house, but it’s another thing not being able to quickly visit them when I need some quick advice or just a hug. I can’t even talk about how much I miss my sibling. And my friends. Thanks to Whatsapp and Skype I can keep in touch with them, but it’s not the same compared to seeing them regularly and knowing that there’s an ocean separating us.

Adapting to a new world is hard. I know in the long run being in Europe is going to be a very positive change on my life, but it’s not going to be an easy adjustment. At least I know this feeling can’t be new to many people my age trying to figure out their next step, especially if that step means being on their own for the first time, away from their support group. In the end, in the moments when the adjustment is the most difficult, we have to believe that the change will be a positive one.

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